The tables below summarize information regarding minerals and vitamins, including their function in the horse’s body, common sources, signs of deficiency, and signs of excess.
Proper feeding is one of the most important aspects of taking care of a horse. Other basic requirements are grooming, lodging, hoof care, exercise, and prevention of illnesses.
A diet (also known as ‘feeding plan’ or ‘feeding program’) is designed to fulfill the horse’s nutritional requirements at a given time or in preparation for future events (according to individualities). The feed sources and the amounts to be used are chosen based on...
Most people associate the word “diet” with restricted food intake in order to lose weight. The word diet, however, involves four elements: the food sources, their preparation, and the amount and frequency they are consumed. So, the word diet itself does not imply any...
In order to meet a horse’s nutritional needs, all the nutrients must be included in the diet according to the horse’s age, reproductive stage, physical activity, etc. Each kind of food may take a different length of time to be eaten, digested, and its...
Following, the secrets to a horse’s healthier and most beautiful coat, mane, and tail. Certainly, almost all horse owners groom their horses regularly or, at least, before going for a ride. But, not all horse people know the importance and best ways to do...